The article explores what can occur after discontinuing the popular weight loss drug Ozempic (semaglutide) based on research and expert interviews:
Weight Regain
- Studies show a majority of patients regain weight after stopping Ozempic, often back to their original starting weight within a year
- The medication suppresses appetite, so hunger levels can surge when it’s discontinued
- Old eating habits can easily return without the drug’s effects
Other Side Effects
- Ozempic alters the way the body processes foods, so stopping it abruptly can cause gastrointestinal issues like nausea, diarrhea, constipation
- Some patients report feeling more lethargic or depressed after discontinuing due to hormonal changes
Strategies to Maintain Weight Loss
- Experts recommend developing sustainable diet/exercise habits while on the medication
- Tapering off Ozempic slowly rather than stopping abruptly may ease the transition
- Using anti-obesity medications long-term may be needed for some to prevent full weight regain
While effective, the weight loss from Ozempic and similar GLP-1 drugs is often unsustained if healthy lifestyle changes aren’t made during treatment. Proper management of discontinuation is crucial to maintain benefits after stopping the medication.